Case Study

Campion Insurance

Campion Insurance
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ID-Pal & Campion Insurance Case Study


As one of Ireland’s largest insurance brokers, with 36 years experience, and 11 offices nationwide, Campion Insurance is committed to providing first-class customer service, and always strive to deliver solutions for their customers. This is demonstrated by the broad range of providers they work with, and the wide variety of policies & products they offer, from home and motor insurance, to complex commercial business packages and a full range of health, life, pension and investment products. Receiving the Deloitte Best Managed Companies award consistently over the last decade is an achievement Campion Insurance is immensely proud of, but it is their consistently high customer retention levels that are the real endorsement of the services they provide.


The previous Campion Insurance onboarding process was a lengthy and manual one that involved a combination of customers posting, emailing, or physically handing documentation into their local branch. This resulted in a very fragmented and paper-intensive customer journey. The turnaround time for document submission and approval was very slow, with posted documents taking anything from 5 to 14 days. Email submissions, while quicker, still proved inconsistent. There were no real-time checks for submission completeness, customers were frequently submitting incomplete documentation, resulting in numerous days or weeks before being resolved. Overall, employees found themselves spending too much time chasing outstanding documentation. Furthermore, the restrictions that COVID-19 placed on business activities, in order to comply with Government restrictions and safeguard public health and safety, increased the importance of a remote digital onboarding solution.


Campion Insurance realised that in order to meet customer expectations, and increase efficiences, they needed to implement an enhanced customer experience, and become a more ‘digital broker’. They decided to employ a ready to use, easy to integrate, digital onboarding platform, which although is an ‘off-the-shelf’ solution, can be tailored to meet the specific business needs of the company.

They decided to partner with the award-winning ID-Pal, who provide an end-to-end identity verification solution that makes the onboarding process as seamless as possible for both the business and its clients. Using the ID-Pal app, Campion customers are now able to securely submit their documents at their own convenience – anytime, anywhere, within minutes – making the onboarding process extremely simple and convenient.

Each customer’s onboarding information is securely submitted to the ID-Pal Business Portal where it is thoroughly verified and authenticated using a suite of industry-leading technologies that include:

  • Liveness Check: Motion detection and facial gesture recognition prevents identity fraud.
  • Facial Comparison: 50-point biometric facial match.
  • Document Verification: Up to 75-point check to ensure against tampering or forgery.

The portal allows Campions to verify and approve customer submissions in seconds, saving employees’ valuable time so that they can focus on meeting the needs of customers. A comprehensive Customer Due Diligence report is generated with key customer documents, providing the business with a streamlined compliance process and audit trail.

In October 2020, Campions rolled out a pilot phase of the ID-Pal digital journey to their Private Motor New Business customers, involving a limited number of Insurers and staff. This pilot is now coming to
an end, with a full rollout to all relevant Insurers and staff scheduled for 1st of February 2021. Campions intend on rolling out the integration of ID-Pal across other areas of the business over the coming year, including renewals and life insurance.

The paperwork Campion customers are required to send back can vary between Insurers, so customization of the app was a vital requirement.


Trust is key, especially in the insurance industry. Partnering with ID-Pal has provided enhanced security to Campion customers, who can be safe in the knowledge that their personal documents are 100% secure. Campion Insurance have found ID-Pal to be a pleasure to work with. Their quick response times and availablility to support client needs means no question is too small. The innovative approach of Campion Insurance signals a shift in the Insurance industry, placing an emphasis on digital connectivity to policyholders to create an improved customer experience. With their main goal being to take the frustrations out of the customer journey, while keeping their customers best interests protected, Campion Insurance have found themselves very pleased with the results from their ID-Pal pilot and feedback from customers, employees, and Insurers has been positive.


Campion Insurance have found the onboarding process to be hugely beneficial, in particular during the current Covid-19 pandemic. Some of the benefits have been:

  • Overall improved customer experience.
  • Eliminated need for physical paperwork:
    • No need to call to a Campion office or the Post office with documents.
    • No need to print, scan or email documents.
  • Real-time connectivity:
    • Significant reduction in missing documents.
    • Faster turnaround of submission of documents from customers.
    • Faster verification of documents by Campions.
  • Increased efficiency at both company and customer end:
    • Savings in time and money.
    • Employees can focus more on advising and servicing customers.
  • Compliance:
    • Thorough, convenient audit trail.
    • GDPR, KYC & AML compliant.
    • Secure platform.


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