
85% Prefer Apps to Mobile Websites

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The mobile era is here but the question remains, is it more efficient to use an App or a Mobile Website?

We took a look at the data available and here’s our key points on the future of Apps:

  • Mobile usage has surpassed desktop/laptop usage since 2016 and is growing at 6% per year
  • Mobile minutes usage is now twice that of desktop/laptop
  • Of time spent on mobile, 90% is spent using Apps
  • Of the 11 major industries in the world, banking lags behind in last place due to the lack of App capabilities.
  • Apps are over 50% faster than dynamic websites
  • Apps provide superior security when compared with websites – with personal information this factor is key
  • Apps provide more device capabilities and features – creating a better, smoother and more engaging user experience
  • Apps can use Push Notifications, which directly engage the customer
  • Design capabilities such as ‘swipe’, ‘tap’, ‘drag’, ‘pinch’, ‘hold’ are not possible on mobile websites. With websites old methods are still relied upon, e.g. ‘back button’, ‘refresh’ etc.
  • Compuware’s lastest study shows 85% of people prefer using apps above mobile sites
  • On average people have over 80+ apps on their phone

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Apps are here to stay and, as more and more companies turn their back on the traditional mobile web, consumers’ preference for apps is only going to increase.

Does Switching From Web to Mobile App Break the Customer Journey?

The industry opinion is that it’s far more damaging for users to be exposed to a substandard capture experience, which leads to frustration and a significant feedback loop, than to be directed to capture via a mobile App. Also this is a familiar process, and customers are used to capturing images with their phone.

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